Training on multibeam echosounder operations

Two intense virtual afternoon sessions and two full days of hands-on training on multibeam echosounder operation marked the last week until yesterday. Prof. Jens Greinert from Geomar Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, deep sea monitoring expert, provided full insight into multibeam echosounding for bathymetric mapping with equipment shipped to Cabo Verde which was mounted on the Cabo Verdean Coast Guard's Patrol Boat Guardião. A solid mobile pole which carries the 50 kHz MBES system allowing for observations until 2500 m depth, had been constructed by the local company Universal Rectificações in perfect time for the training. About 20 participants attended, with a new exciting collaboration emerging between the Ocean Science Centre Mindelo - managed by GEOMAR and IMar - Instituto do Mar I.P. -, Guarda Costeira de Cabo Verde, Universidade Técnica do Atlântico - UTA, INGT - the National Institute for Territorial Management, Enapor - Portos De Cabo Verde, and IMP - Instituto Marítimo Portuário. Habitat mapping and maritime safety are the primary interests of participating institutions. The training took part in the context of two projects: CEM_CV "Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring in Cabo Verde" as part of the Meerwissen Initiative financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ, and COAST "COnservation of mArine ecosystems around Santo AnTão, Cabo Verde: Implications for Policy and Society", co-funded by BiodivERsA, EU and Water JPI.


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